Team development programmes
Inspire your teams with dedicated programmes that deliver productive long-term skills and positive behaviours.
Discover the 14 key strengths that drive teams to:

• Develop the skills needed to achieve their goals
• Motivate others to work towards a shared vision
• Build internal and external relationships that bring results
• Increase productivity and the drive to succeed
• Think creatively to produce positive outcomes

Bespoke leadership programmes
Our carefully-constructed programmes focus on agreed areas to bring about lasting change for an organisation, team
or individual. Drawing on proven theories and models, we work with you to meet your exact requirements, resulting in:

• Structured learning that focuses on target areas
• Identification of strengths and talents
• Changed attitudes and appreciation of new opportunities
• Positive results for long-term success
• Experiential learning that is relevant to the workplace

We’re open to any location, style, group size and learning target, so feel free to challenge our imagination!

How would it feel to develop leadership skills for a global organisation?
River Deep has an international network of associates who are certified leadership trainers and coaches. This allows us
to create and deliver structured, bespoke programmes to global organisations across many regions.

We can help you to create a consistent culture, making remote teams more effective and giving your organisation a
reputation for its global vision and values. Your customers, suppliers and stakeholders will value a common experience
wherever they deal with you, and your teams will share a vision that allows them to contribute at the highest level.

Our associates are located in the UK, France, Germany, Spain, Belgium, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Turkey, Greece,
Poland, UAE and the USA, and we can source experts in other markets on request.
Are you ready to take leadership to a new level?
Outstanding organisations have a clear vision, underpinned by values and a
purpose that engages all employees. This type of organisation:

• Is led by dynamic and inspirational people
• Empowers staff to be creative and innovative
• Is built on a foundation of trust
• Values excellent communication at all levels
• Employs engaged, committed staff whose contribution is recognised

River Deep’s programmes are focused and results-driven. They’re also fun,
adventurous and memorable. We’ll help you to unleash your potential and
make a positive difference to your workplace.
One-to-one leadership coaching
A programme of focused sessions that explore your skills, talents and ambitions and guide you to identify and reach
your goals.

• Learn how to work to your strengths
• Develop a vision and discover how to make it real
• Open up new career possibilities
• Become more confident and purposeful
• Develop your own authentic leadership style and learn how to leverage it
Group leadership programmes
A range of targeted, experiential programmes that create long-lasting, sustainable change. Challenge yourself and other
leaders in your organisation to:

• Influence positive patterns of behaviour
• Develop advanced leadership and teamwork skills
• Improve effective leadership on a day-to-day basis
• Create a community of positive leaders who challenge and support each other
• Inspire colleagues to reach targets and achieve results
Our Profiling and Diagnostic Tools
We have preferred tools to deliver information that gets results:

Leadership Circle 360 Degree Profiling Instrument
This comprehensive online tool integrates well-
researched leadership attributes into a single framework
that delivers usable, understandable and powerful results.

Team Diagnostic Assessment™
A state-of-the-art online instrument that defines the
strengths and skills needed to form inspired,
high-performing and sustainable teams.
River Deep - Corporate Leadership Development
“River Deep finds a balance between structure, flexibility and fun when delivering leadership and team workshops. They uses skills and techniques which effectively engage people and validate learning and progress throughout the programmes. I believe that people always leave feeling energised and more confident. I would certainly work with River Deep again.”
General Manager, O2 UK
To discuss how our corporate leadership programmes could help you, please get in touch here or call us on 01883 330 924.
Focused and results-driven programmes
“This leadership programme is the best investment the company has made in me since I started working here 12 years ago.”
Senior Manager, Blue chip IT company
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